Contact Us

0467 966 222


208 Saunders Road,
Oakville NSW 2765

Welcome to our Farm safety portal

This portal has been developed as part of an enforceable undertaking entered into by Primo Moraitis Fresh Pty Ltd with Safework NSW. To find out more about the background of this project, please click here.

In this portal, you will find everything you need to manage safety on your farm. The page is designed for farm owners/managers, and provides key documents, links, and information to support safety on your farm.

Key Legal Requirements

Work Health and Safety Legislation requires all farms (and other employers/Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking – PCBU) to maintain a safe workplace. What does this mean? You are required to maintain a safe workplace. The following gives an overview of WHS in NSW (and Australia): Coming Soon.

Farm Safety System

Our farm safety system is designed for small farms. Safety is never a ‘one size fits all’, so this is just the first step in putting a structure around your farm’s safety efforts. To obtain the free system and related forms, contact

You will receive the system, forms, and access to our safety alerts and further support.

Samples of the system and forms can be downloaded here. 

Key Links

The following resources may be helpful for you:

SafeWork NSW Farm Safety Self-Assessment

Designed to give your farm a health check – are you on track with your safety thinking?

Sydney University Farm Safety Material

A comprehensive overview of farm safety research and best practice.

SafeWork NSW’s Roadmap for 2022

highlighting SafeWork NSW’s commitment to prioritising farm safety.


[Coming Soon]

Our Ongoing Support

Every farm is different, and a generic system cannot support every farm without specific implementation and application. Please contact JOPL for information on how we can support safety on your farm.